Sunday, March 9

Tag: Smishing

350,000 Daily Smishing Attacks: The Silent Threat via SMS
BFSI, Banking, Payments

350,000 Daily Smishing Attacks: The Silent Threat via SMS

Did you know that SMS click-through rates are a staggering 20%, compared to email’s 3-5%? This disparity has made SMS a prime target for smishing attacks, with an average of 350,000 incidents occurring daily1. But what exactly is smishing, and why are these attacks so prevalent? What Is Smishing? Smishing refers to phishing attacks that utilize SMS as their medium. In these attacks, cybercriminals pose as legitimate organizations and trick people into giving away confidential and sensitive information. The term “smishing” combines “SMS” (short message service) and “phishing.” How Do Smishing Attacks Work? Impersonation: Attackers send fraudulent SMS messages that appear to come from organizations individuals are already associated with, such as their bank, uni...